Giving a performance review has never been simple. Now that remote staffing has become a more popular option for employers, the process of conducting performance reviews has become even more complicated. So, if you’re engaged with a remote staffing company, we’ll help you figure out how to give an effective performance review.
Let your staff know the end goal of the review.
The first step is to ensure that your staff understands the purpose of the performance review. Remote workers are, by definition, not in close proximity to their managers or other co-workers. This can lead to a feeling of isolation and disconnection from the company’s mission. Make sure that your remote staff knows that their performance reviews are an opportunity for you to connect with them and help them understand how their work is impacting the company’s bottom line.
Turn the camera on.
In order to effectively connect with your remote staff, you need to be able to see their face. This may seem like a no-brainer, but it’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day and forget to turn on the camera during a performance review. Seeing your staff’s facial expressions will help you understand how they’re feeling about their work and the company. It will also help you build trust and rapport with them.
Be clear and concise in your feedback.
It’s important to be as clear and concise as possible when giving feedback during a performance review. Remote workers may not have the opportunity to ask questions or seek clarification in person, so it’s important that they understand your feedback the first time. If you’re unsure about how to deliver feedback, consider using a rating system or providing specific examples of what the employee did well or could improve upon.
Don’t forget to praise good performance.
In addition to offering constructive criticism, it’s also important to take the time to praise your employees for a job well done. Remote workers may not receive the same level of recognition as their in-office counterparts, so it’s important to make sure that they feel appreciated. A simple “thank you” can go a long way towards making your remote staff feel valued.
Follow up after the review.
The performance review doesn’t end when you finish giving feedback. Be sure to follow up with your remote employees after the review to see how they’re doing and if they have any questions. This is a good opportunity to provide additional support or resources they may need to improve their performance in the future.
Related Article: 5 Tips To Help Improve Employee Performance Reviews
Final Thoughts: 5 Tips on Conducting an Effective and Meaningful Performance Review for Remote Staff
Because of the nature of remote work, offshore staff are often the most disconnected from the rest of the team. Performance reviews are an opportunity to help bridge that disconnects by providing feedback, praise, and support. So, it’s important to know how to conduct performance reviews that are both effective and meaningful. By following the tips above, you can be sure that your performance review will help your remote staff feel appreciated and supported, while also providing valuable feedback that can help them improve their work in the future. Remote work is here to stay, so start perfecting your performance review process today!