

3 Key Characteristics an Efficient Leader Must Have

Notable leaders have shaped our culture and history, from legendary monarchs to known heroes and famous political personalities–great leadership has always been rewarded and renowned.  But what is leadership? What are the qualities of a good leader? The answer might be more complex than what we think, but in this article, we will narrow it down on three key characteristics.

work stress

3 Ways to Spice Up Your Work Life

Stagnation and stress come even to the best of us–there always comes a time when we hit a plateau in which we feel we are no longer growing as a person and lacking motivation. As much as you love your job, it can get very dull when you feel like you’ve been stuck in a mindless routine day in and day out. Here at DBOS, we understand the plight of getting into that daily grind and working hard to achieve our goals: which is why we compiled these nifty tips to help keep your mind and body in great shape, so you can look forward to working every day without burning out!

customer service representatives

Incoming 70,000 BPO jobs in the PH for 2018

Good news for Filipinos: The Business Process Outsourcing industry expects an influx of over $1 Billion in revenues, and generating over 70,000 new jobs. According to the Contact Center Association of the Philippines, the BPO industry will grow by 7 to 9 per cent this year. Aside from Information Technology courses, businesses are looking to hire more Statistics and Mathematics majors for data analytics.

Although BPO companies worry about the possibility of AI replacing jobs in the industry, the Philippine government is confident that workers will be able to adapt to the changing technological climate. The government is also revisiting tax perks under the second tranche of reforms currently being pushed in Congress. This helps entice businesses of any scale to choose the Philippines as an outsourcing hub.

To learn more about this forecast, click here to view the full article.

greater springfield

Building a New City from Creating Jobs

Raynuha Sinnathamby, the Managing Director of Springfield City Group, aspires to create a new city by striving to reach their ambitious goal of producing at least 50,000 jobs for the area despite Greater Springfield only having 40,000 residents. The Springfield City Group is responsible for the master development of the Springfield Area, and Sinnathamby shares her journey on how she achieved success in her career.

According to Sinnathamby, it was learning from her failure that drove her career forward. “Certainly, we’ve had so many challenges and obstacles with our own project, we became so used to people in our project saying ‘no you can’t do this’ it was almost a standard line that everyone used…But it became our standard line to say back, ‘it’s only a no until it becomes a yes’. I think failure makes us more resilient as people and gives us the ability to support others as well as cope within ourselves,” she shared while discussing her experiences in working on the project.

To read the full article about Raynuha Sinnathamby’s project, click here.

call center woman

4 Quick Tips on How to Improve Your English Proficiency

With English being the universal language, mastery of it gives you several advantages both in your career and in your everyday life. Jobs that require public speaking or communications, especially when working in outsourcing companies as a call centre agent, English Proficiency is an indispensable skill. The most common misconception is that speaking fluently or writing flawlessly in English is only reserved for people with higher intelligence: this is actually far from the truth. English Proficiency, just like any other skill can be learned by anyone willing to put in enough work to develop it. In this article, we compiled a few simple steps you can incorporate into your daily routine to help build your vocabulary and eventually enhance your language skills.


4 Questions to Ask in an Interview to Land Your Dream Job

So you just applied for a job that you have been wanting all your life,  and you got a call back from the HR asking you to come in for an interview. You jump in joy, until you realize that you are not prepared for what’s to come. This scene might sound familiar to you, as you might have just experienced it recently.  No need to worry though, as have compiled a few questions for you to ask your employer in preparation of your interview.

Asking the right questions during a job interview increases your chance of getting hired by over 50 percent. They want a person who knows what he wants, one who appears confident but not arrogant. Remember to ask these 4 questions to land your dream job soon.