
walking girl, walking student

5 Tips for Landing a BPO Job as a Student

Are you a student eager to kickstart your career in the BPO industry? Look no further! In this blog post, we will provide you with valuable tips and strategies to help you navigate the competitive world of business process outsourcing. Read on to learn more.

1. Explore Opportunities in the BPO Sector

When embarking on a BPO career, it’s essential to explore the opportunities available. Begin by researching various BPO companies and their offered services to identify those aligning with your interests and skills. Keep a lookout for job postings and internships to gain insight into industry requirements and responsibilities. This exploration will enable you to pinpoint roles that resonate with you.

Furthermore, consider immersing yourself in career fairs and industry gatherings to connect with BPO professionals. These interactions can offer valuable insights and networking opportunities that could potentially lead to job prospects. Be on the lookout for workshops and seminars that delve into the BPO industry and its promising future.

Check out: Future Of BPO Industry in The Philippines 2024

2. Building Relevant Skills and Experience

To bolster your odds of landing a BPO position while still a student, focus on cultivating pertinent skills and gaining practical experience in the field. Explore courses or certifications to enhance your communication, problem-solving, and customer service abilities—qualities highly valued in the BPO sector.

Furthermore, actively pursue internships or part-time positions at BPO firms to garner firsthand experience and expand your industry insights. Embrace chances to engage in projects showcasing your skills and commitment. This hands-on involvement will distinguish you and make a lasting impression on prospective employers.

3. Building a Strong Network and Enhancing Job Search Techniques

Networking actively opens job opportunities in the BPO sector. Connect with industry members and professionals on LinkedIn and participate in industry events. To further expand your network, join relevant professional organizations. Engage in insightful conversations and seek guidance from seasoned professionals – their industry knowledge and potential referrals can be game-changers in your job search.

Don’t stop at networking – utilize effective job search strategies as well. Regularly scour online job portals and company websites for potential openings. Tailor your resume and cover letter to each position, highlighting the relevant skills and experiences mentioned in the job description. Proactively reach out to BPO companies and express your interest in joining their workforce. Personalize your approach and showcase your enthusiasm for the specific role.

4. Getting Ready for Interviews

Preparing for interviews is a necessary step in making a memorable impression on employers. Prioritize researching the company to familiarize yourself with its services, values, and culture, showcasing genuine interest.

Practice responding to common interview questions with concise, thoughtful answers, emphasizing your alignment with the BPO industry. Highlight your ability to handle customer inquiries, collaborate effectively in teams, and thrive in fast-paced environments. Dress professionally and arrive early to ensure a strong first impression.

Additionally, prepare questions for the interviewer to demonstrate curiosity about the role and gain deeper insights into the company and the position.

5. Maintaining a Growth Mindset

Maintaining a growth mindset to excel in the industry. Embrace challenges and setbacks as stepping stones for learning and improvement. Proactively solicit feedback from supervisors and colleagues – their insights are gold. Fuel your growth by relentlessly pursuing professional development opportunities.

Don’t get left behind. Staying razor-sharp on industry trends and emerging technologies is critical in the ever-evolving BPO landscape. Here’s where your “growth mentality” shines — it fuels your adaptability and keeps you ahead of the curve. Cultivate a can-do attitude and a powerhouse work ethic. These are golden tickets in the BPO world.

Related article: Building A Successful BPO Career: A Guide To Thriving In The Industry

Working with Dynamic Business Outsourcing Solutions (DBOS) to stay ahead through professional development

Dynamic Business Outsourcing Solutions (DBOS) is a leading Australian provider of business outsourcing solutions. 

We offer exciting career paths in digital space, customer service, and technical support.

We support our employees’ success through:

  • Comprehensive training programs: We equip you with industry-specific training and certifications to excel in your chosen field.
  • Career development opportunities: We foster career growth through mentorship programs and internal promotions.

Explore exciting opportunities on our careers page today and embark on a rewarding career path with DBOS! 

We seek talented individuals passionate about thriving in the dynamic Philippine BPO industry.

happy call center agents

Top 5 Reasons Why a Call Center Job Can Launch Your Career

In 2024, call center jobs are emerging as an unexpected gateway to a thriving career. Despite their reputation for lacking glamour, these centers provide unique opportunities for professional growth. Here are 5 reasons why:

1. Transferable Skills Galore:

The call center experience extends far beyond mere phone answering. According to a 2023 study by Indeed, employers place great importance on skills refined in customer service roles. These skills encompass:

  • Communication: You’ll become a master at active listening, clear explanation, and navigating difficult conversations – all crucial for any field.
  • Problem-Solving: Daily, you’ll tackle customer issues, developing a knack for creative solutions under pressure – a valuable asset in any industry.
  • Tech-Savvy: Many call centers utilize complex software and integrate with AI tools. This exposure strengthens your tech adaptability, increasingly important across professions.

2. Stepping Stone to Leadership:

In call centers, there are commonly well-defined promotion trajectories. As outlined in a report by Teal, numerous call center managers have initially served as representatives. Their firsthand experience provides a solid foundation, empowering them to excel in team leadership, coaching, and performance management roles. As a result, their familiarity with operational intricacies uniquely readies them for diverse leadership duties in the call center setting.

3. The Rise of Customer Experience (CX):

The experience economy thrives on exceptional customer service, making call centers a vital source of those positive interactions. A Zendesk article found that a whopping 80% of customers prioritize companies that deliver outstanding Customer Experience (CX). Honing your call center skills isn’t just about keeping customers happy today; it positions you perfectly for future CX roles across various industries. Your expertise becomes a powerful tool, boosting customer satisfaction and opening doors to exciting career opportunities.

4. Career Advancement Opportunities:

Numerous call centers actively provide tuition reimbursement or educational assistance programs. This initiative allows you to pursue a degree while gaining valuable work experience. By taking advantage of these opportunities, you can seamlessly integrate academic learning with practical experience, building a well-rounded skill set essential for future career success in diverse professional fields.

Related article: Fueling Career Growth: How The Philippine BPO Industry Transforms Professionals

5. A Foot in the Door:

Call centers often serve as entry-level roles, providing a great opportunity for individuals, especially recent graduates or career changers, to enter the workforce. Engaging in this experience allows you to build your resume, develop professional references, and possibly catch the eye of other departments within your company. By immersing yourself in this environment, you not only acquire practical skills but also lay the groundwork for advancement and broader career prospects within the organization.

Working with Dynamic Business Outsourcing Solutions (DBOS) to stay ahead through professional development

Dynamic Business Outsourcing Solutions (DBOS) is a leading Australian provider of business outsourcing solutions

We offer exciting career paths in digital space, customer service, and technical support.

We support our employees’ success through:

  • Comprehensive training programs: We equip you with industry-specific training and certifications to excel in your chosen field.
  • Career development opportunities: We foster career growth through mentorship programs and internal promotions.

Explore exciting opportunities on our careers page today and embark on a rewarding career path with DBOS!

We seek talented individuals passionate about thriving in the dynamic Philippine BPO industry.

employees talking

5 Tips to Stay Ahead Through Professional Development

The BPO industry in the Philippines is booming, offering great opportunities. However, the competition for these jobs is fierce among Filipino job seekers. To shine, you need to take charge of your professional development. Here are 5 practical tips to help you stay ahead:

1. Invest in in-demand skills

The BPO industry is rapidly changing. To stay competitive, research skills that are in high demand. Here are some key areas:

  • Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML): Prepare for the automation-driven future of BPO by acquiring expertise in AI and ML. This entails honing skills in data analysis, model development, and machine learning operations.
  • Cloud computing: BPO companies are increasingly adopting cloud-based solutions due to their scalability and cost-efficiency. As a result, proficiency in cloud platforms such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Microsoft Azure is becoming increasingly valuable.
  • Cybersecurity: BPO companies are increasingly targeted by cyberattacks. They need professionals to protect sensitive data and systems. Develop skills in intrusion detection, security protocols, and data encryption to be valuable in this area.
  • Data analytics: BPO thrives on data analysis. From customer service to marketing and operations, extracting insights from data is critical. Proficiency in data analysis tools like SQL or Python equips individuals to unlock this potential, making them valuable assets.
  • Digital marketing: The BPO industry’s expanding digital footprint necessitates a grasp of digital marketing principles and tools. Mastering social media marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), and content marketing can provide a significant advantage.

2. Refine your soft skills

BPO employers highly prioritize strong soft skills over technical expertise. Here are key areas to concentrate on:

  • Communication: Clear and concise communication, both verbally and in writing, is essential for effectively interacting with clients and colleagues.
  • Problem-solving: In BPO roles, encountering and resolving unexpected issues is common. Therefore, it is crucial to demonstrate strong analytical and problem-solving abilities.
  • Teamwork: Effective collaboration is crucial in the BPO industry, as teams actively work together to achieve shared objectives. Demonstrating the ability to collaborate seamlessly with others is highly valued.
  • Customer service: Many BPO roles involve interacting directly with clients. Possessing excellent customer service skills, including active listening, empathy, and conflict resolution, is a significant asset.
  • Adaptability: As the BPO industry constantly evolves, the capacity to adapt to new technologies, processes, and client requirements becomes indispensable.

3. Leverage online platforms

Numerous companies actively employ online platforms for sourcing and recruiting candidates. Enhance your professional online presence to exhibit your skills and experience effectively. This may entail:

  • Building a strong LinkedIn profile: LinkedIn stands as a premier platform for professional networking. Craft a comprehensive profile that accentuates your skills, experience, educational background, and accomplishments.
  • Developing a personal website or portfolio: You should consider crafting a website or online portfolio to exhibit your work samples, relevant projects, and testimonials. Doing so can significantly enhance your visibility and appeal to potential employers.

4. Network with industry professionals

Take proactive steps to connect with professionals in the BPO sector. You can achieve this by:

  • Industry events: Participate in industry conferences, workshops, and networking events to engage with professionals and acquire insights into the current BPO landscape.
  • Online communities: Engage in online forums, groups, and discussions about the BPO industry. This avenue offers excellent opportunities to network, discover new prospects, and remain abreast of industry trends.
  • Professional organizations: Explore joining professional organizations such as the IT and Business Process Association of the Philippines (IBPAP) to connect with peers and access valuable professional development resources.

5. Commit to continuous learning

The BPO industry is dynamic and constantly evolving. To stay ahead of the curve, commit to continuous learning and upskilling yourself. Here are some ways to achieve this:

  • Online courses: Take online courses or MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) provided by platforms like Google, Coursera, Edx, or Udemy to acquire new skills or strengthen your existing knowledge.
  • Workshops and seminars: Participate in industry-specific workshops and seminars to stay abreast of the latest trends and technologies embraced in the BPO sector.
  • Certification programs: Explore the option of pursuing industry-recognized certifications to validate your skills and knowledge in specific areas.

By implementing these tips and actively participating in self-improvement, you can enhance your competitiveness and position yourself for success in the dynamic Philippine BPO industry.

Working with Dynamic Business Outsourcing Solutions (DBOS) to stay ahead through professional development

Dynamic Business Outsourcing Solutions (DBOS) is a leading Australian provider of business outsourcing solutions.

We offer exciting career paths in digital space, customer service, and technical support.

We support our employees’ success through:

  • Comprehensive training programs: We equip you with industry-specific training and certifications to excel in your chosen field.
  • Career development opportunities: We foster career growth through mentorship programs and internal promotions.

Explore exciting opportunities on our careers page today and embark on a rewarding career path with DBOS!

We seek talented individuals passionate about thriving in the dynamic Philippine BPO industry.

Telesales Isn’t Dead—and Here’s Why

From an outsider’s perspective, telemarketing seems like an outdated form of selling your products. Today’s technology has forced the marketing industry to take great strides when it comes into advertising. From large LED screens playing video ads 24/7 situated in busy city streets, to subtle digital marketing techniques to help give target consumers a gentle nudge towards buying more goods, selling stuff through the phone is perceived to pale in comparison: it’s a marketing method almost as old as direct selling itself.

But today, call centres are still in demand because telesales still works. Despite the persistent misconceptions surrounding phone marketing, outsourcing telesales can still make a huge impact on your business.

It’s the least annoying form of advertising

Almost every time you go online, there’s always that pesky pop-up ad begging you to click on them. Even when you’re watching a video on Facebook or Youtube, or when reading an article, the average reader will have to go through a few hoops in order to dodge an incessant barrage of either static or video ads. Ads have gone from a necessary evil to a regular nuisance, and audiences are trying to actively avoid it. According to a poll, telesales is ranked as the least annoying form of advertising as only 4% of the total respondents have voted against it. This means that when conducted properly, telemarketing is less likely to be ignored by a target audience compared to other forms of endorsing sales.

Phone marketing strengthens human connection

Since telesales is conducted through voice calls, prospect consumers experience a more intimate approach. Customers were found to respond more with telemarketing because of the human interaction factor, affecting the perceived sincerity and personal touch of the transaction or session. According to recent studies, when making big decisions for large purchases like a car, insurance, healthcare, or the like, customers prefer calling businesses personally and talking to a real human being. Because of this, telesales is one of the business processes that are not currently in danger of being replaced by AI. This trend in customer behaviour also makes outsourcing telesales very ideal, as international agents from countries like the Philippines are well regarded because of their positive personalities and empathy towards their customers. Having a strong and experienced team of telemarketing can do wonders in helping to further develop your business.

Outsourcing telesales generates leads

Though there are several different ways to perform lead generation, telemarketing is among the most efficient method. Offshore telesales promotes better brand awareness and provides greater market insight. A significant chunk of the call centre industry specialises in performing outbound sales through offshore telesales. According to relevant statistics, outsourcing lead generation is ranked to be 43% more effective than in-house due to expertise and experience. Hiring an offshore staff to generate leads for your company stacks up numerous advantages on your end, as not only will you get better results, outsourcing also allows you to save money while efficiently improving your cash flow.


These are only among the many reasons why telesales continues to play an important role in business until today. Though times are changing, it doesn’t necessarily mean that all traditional practices are rendered defunct due to technological advances. Telemarketing isn’t dead, and it isn’t showing any signs of dying out anytime soon.

Looking for highly-skilled telemarketers to boost your company’s sales? Check out our staffing services to see which of our outsourcing services is the best fit for your business’ needs.

personal assistant

What Are Personal Virtual Assistants?

As the outsourcing industry continues to grow, more and more virtual staffing options are becoming available for startups and small to medium enterprises. One such example would be virtual assistant jobs which are steadily rising in demand right now.

Virtual assistants can help you free up a lot of time from your schedule, and they can vary from self-employed professionals to agencies specialising in offshore staffing. Most VAs charge by the hour, making it very ideal and cheaper than hiring in-house: you only pay them whenever you need them, and you can save money on allocating other resources such as extra office space.

Huffington Post discusses further what a virtual assistant can do for you. To read the full article, click here.

business team meeting

Quick Tips to Hosting Better Team Meetings

Team meetings are important for catching up with your co-workers regarding your group’s weekly or monthly accomplishments and challenges. It strengthens the communication between employees and designated leaders within the workplace. Being in charge of a team meeting can be daunting to some, especially for those who are doing it for the first time. The following tips can help you get on track and start organising amazing meetings!

1. Enumerate objectives to set the tone

Before starting a meeting, list down your agenda for the whole session. You can dedicate a slide to this at the beginning of your PowerPoint presentation or write in on the board. This gives the participants an idea of what to discuss and which topics are to be prioritised. Anything outside the list of objectives can either be discussed in another meeting or if there’s time left. Having a prepared list also helps everyone stay on track in means of topic and time.

business team meeting
Discuss the agenda beforehand to inform every one of the meeting’s objectives.

Additionally, it’s better to have this agenda list crowdsourced beforehand: ask participating members in advance if they have core issues they want to share in the meeting that can be part of the objectives list. This way, you are giving them an everyone a fair chance of getting their voices heard.

2. Encourage participation

Always dedicate even just a small part of the meeting to hearing out everyone present in the room. Even quiet members can sometimes have great ideas and opinions to share. Keep a mindset of hosting meetings not just because you have something to say to everyone, but rather, making it a platform for everyone to be heard. You can also take the time to ask everyone about their weekend, share a piece of good news from their personal lives, or a short weekly update on their tasks. This can help liven up the meeting or serve as an icebreaker and help lighten up the mood.

3. Find solutions as a team

Though different tasks and challenges are delegated to each member, it’s important to also steer focus on working together to help each department lead or participating member who’s experiencing difficulty come up with action plans. Adopting this into practice further develops communication between employees and provides a fresh perspective in approaching different issues. It also builds a strong sense of camaraderie and increases the probability of having more successful interdepartmental collaborations.

business team meeting
Make every success a team effort.

4. Incorporate something new

Having weekly meetings can get monotonous especially when you keep following the same format. To spice things up, you can try adding something to break up the pattern: show a related Ted Talk, bring in snacks, ask everyone to dress the same colour or have the meeting at a different location. Introducing variety even in the smallest of ways can help make the meeting feel different every single time.


Mastering the art of leading an engaging meeting can be very tricky, but we hope that these steps will help turn your reporting into something your team members can look forward to every week.