Hiring in-house professionals can be very expensive for startups or small to medium enterprises, especially in the digital marketing department: where you have to really make sure you get the right professionals who will then be responsible for creating and establishing your brand’s online presence. Given the nature of the responsibilities of working as an online marketing specialist, you can easily outsource this department and earn several benefits that could help push your business further while helping you save money.
Lower labour fees mean lower costs
One of the highlights of working with outsourcing companies is that you are always guaranteed lower wages. Outsourcing your digital marketing will save you money that can go to the other core processes of your business or used to re-invest in expanding your company. For example, in Australia an onshore digital marketing manager can cost you around $ 4,000-10,000 per month on average, not to mention the added expenses of paying employee benefits such as healthcare. Offshoring online marketing services will help you cut labour costs of up to 60% or even more.
You can easily hire a whole team of digital marketing experts
Since wages are lower, you can then afford to hire more people and build your custom offshore team. Instead of just spending your budget on one in-house digital marketing manager, you can opt for getting a whole team of professionals specialising on different aspects of online marketing: SEO, Email Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Content Marketing, and the like. Outsourcing broadens your list of possible options, and you are free to hire the specific services you need.
Improves risk management
Hiring an offshore staff also comes with the security that you are getting experts to work on the business process you require. Since you will be hiring professionals to do your digital marketing, your staff can get the job done quickly and are less likely to make mistakes. This greatly reduces the possible risks you might face in the marketing industry. It also eliminates time spent in training your team regarding the latest online marketing or SEO practices.
Reduces tunnel vision on your business processes
The way we perceive the world determines the kind of decisions we make. No one knows your business more than you do, but it’s possible that sometimes you can get a little tunnel-visioned on making important choices that affect the status of your company. Hiring an offshore staff can help you prevent this from happening. Being of another country and culture, your outsourced team can help you get an outsider’s perspective on the decisions you need to make regarding your business. This is crucial in marketing, as your offshore team can help you gauge preferences of your target audience that might differ from your own taste. Offshoring increases diversity and you are likely to get a reliable opinion from your outsourced team of marketing experts.
These are only a few of the many advantages you can expect when you opt for outsourcing your online marketing department. Technology is progressing at an alarming rate, and the best way to keep up is to hire people who can adapt to these changes to help your brand make a great expression online.
Want to stand out from the digital crowd? Check out our digital marketing staffing services, you might find what you’ve been looking for all this time.