6 Simple Ways to De-Stress Your Work Day
At times, stress has its own way of overpowering our thinking. Well, it’s natural for work to leave you a little stressed. But if you’re not moving forward with your tasks for almost half a day, then you might need to breathe and de-stress a little.
Here are 6 simple ways to de-stress your work day:
#1. Get a head start
Wake up earlier than usual and leave home at least 30 minutes prior to your accustomed time. This would guarantee a little calmness as you’re not worried about being late.
Research proves that the less rushed you feel in the morning, the less stressed you’ll be for the rest of the day.
So try to start your day right to avoid stress the whole day!
#2. Pack some of your favourite snacks
Kickstart your day with your preferred coffee because it tastes best in the morning!
Also, make it a habit to pack some of your most favourite snacks at home and bring it with you. If you’re allowed to eat on your desks at work, go munch a little. But if you’re not, then take little breaks as you must.
There is no doubt that food alone can make our days lighter and brighter. However true, just make sure to not focus only on eating instead of doing some actual work.
#3. Socialize with your colleagues
It is not prohibited to chat a little with your seatmate as long as you don’t interrupt each other’s business. So whenever you’re feeling a little queasy or you just wanted to take a break from staring at your computer for too long, do converse. Laugh a little, throw random jokes, smile more and do your job well.
Communicating even in the slightest way possible is all-important.
#4. Remember your goal
Whenever you’re feeling overwhelmed and a bit stressed, take some time to remind yourself why you are doing all that hard work. You can also display a little family photo or your pet’s portrait that inspires you. Reminisce each photo and go back to when it was taken. Ride down the memory lane and remember your happiest moments.
Every now and then, bravely going through life to achieve your goals and dreams is something that no one can stop you from doing.
To keep yourself motivated, carry your goals every day.
#5. Celebrate small wins
Arrived early at work? You deserve a full breakfast meal! Praised by your boss for a job well done? Then treat yourself some ice cream!
No matter how small your achievement might be, make sure to give yourself some credit. Doing so will give you a little push to do better so you can celebrate even more. But, do note that celebrations doesn’t have to be expensive.
Sometimes, the little things are what matters the most, so learn to appreciate it.
#6. Take short walks and just breathe
Whenever work feels like a little too much to handle, going out for 5 minutes to calm yourself would make a difference. Instead of getting aimlessly upset over the futile things about your job, learn to take short walks and breathe.
Breathing is a good practice to help calm the nerves and ease the irate feeling. Read this for the complete proper breathing exercise.
The truth is, at the end of the day, no matter how stressed you are, deadlines still won’t wait for you. So you have to pull off a little courage and get yourself out of that stress before your day ends. Follow these simple tips above to help you de-stress a little and then continue to do your job.
Here at DBOS, we promote a happy working environment so that stress won’t wear you off.
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